Monday, September 28, 2009

Picture problems

I realize the photos in my blog are cut off, and I'm trying to figure out how to fix them. This post is a test... I'm screwing with my image settings.

Here's Jack and I in my newest (to me) fluffy, Dream Carrier SSC! *drool*

ETA: Well look at that, I fixed it! I'll go back and fix the old posts here in a minute.
ETA#2: All photos should be fixed!

A resolution!

Well I'll admit it, my poor little blog has been neglected.

But I have a resolution! I resolve to blog more. I normally spend my internet time divided between (I go by jackattack there), (I'm becca there) and facebook. But I'm resolving to take a little time each day to blog here as well!

Why? Well partially because I've been meaning to, and partially because I imagine I'm going to be receiving a little extra traffic because I was chosen as a competitor in the Sakura Bloom Triathlon! It's a "competition" put on by Adventures in Babywearing, and Sakura Bloom ring slings (with some help from Fawn and Forest too!) Click here to read more about the triathlon, and check my blog again soon for more from me about this, including my interview questions, photo and video. I'm super excited to be chosen, I've been doing a happy dance all morning! If you are my facebook friend, you know how much I've been lusting after a Sakura Bloom as of late!

And I'll add a personal update too! I'm 30 weeks pregnant now, only 10 weeks to go! It's a boy, his name is Graham David and we can't wait to meet him! I just had a midwife appointment today and everything looks great. Graham is head down, which is great news. Jack (2 years) did great with the appointment and listened to the baby's heart. I don't think he knows what's coming, even though we talk about it. Although he might know more than I give him credit for. He has started calling things "mama" and "baby," like the big liter of shampoo is the mama and the small one is the baby. And he was acting out a mama/baby situation with his waldorf dolls last night. The big one was the mama and the small one was the baby, and he put the baby on the mama and said "mama hold you!" <3 Maybe I'll pull out his child's Maya wrap and see if he wants to wear his Bamboletta waldorf doll, Arlo, today.